Have you ever loved a lake? I've never met a lake I didn't love. My husband and I are lucky enough to own a trailer on Little Green Lake in Markesan, Wisconsin. It's our happy place.
I recently wrote the following piece for our Little Green Lake newsletter. While the specifics are for our lake, county, and state, the general idea of working for lake health could translate to any place on earth.
If you love a lake, here's information about best practices for healthy lakes . . . .
We all love our Little Green Lake. If only there was a
way to:
· Make our lake cleaner
and reduce that nasty blue-green algae
· Help the fish population
· Help the songbird
and butterfly population
· Discourage geese
and their lovely green droppings
· Discourage deer and
rabbits from nibbling plants
· Discourage ticks
· Prevent storm
water runoff and erosion
· Make our
shoreline more beautiful.
Guess what? There is a
way!! Not only that, the Wisconsin DNR and Wisconsin Lakes Partnership will do
everything but hold your hand – and your hoe – to make the magic happen.
It all comes down to five easy-to-understand Healthy
Lake “Best Practices.” They are:
1. Fish sticks (putting logs and large branches into lake
near shore to create habitat; requires permit)
2. Diversion (using berms and dips to prevent runoff from
getting into lake)
3. Rock infiltration (capturing and cleaning runoff
through rock where water collects)
4. Rain gardens (planted near downspouts, with berms to
hold water)
5. 350 square
foot native plantings (a contiguous area of at least 350 square feet, or 10
feet wide by 35 feet along shore)
350 sq. ft. native plantings along shore
The buffer or transition
area along a lake’s edge is critical to lake health. The average cost of 350 square
feet of shoreland plantings is $1,000 but may vary from $480 - $2,400. Healthy
Lakes grant funding of $1,000 is available for one 350 square foot area on a
property. Site prep takes six weeks to six months. Installation takes one to
two days. Maintenance covers two years. The project ends in three years.
Ongoing weeding may be necessary in subsequent years. Detailed information and
photos are found here: http://healthylakeswi.com. Here are tips:
· Stay away from
foot traffic areas and any septic field.
· Look for
erosion-prone areas in need of rehabilitation: bare ground; rilled or rutted
areas; slumped banks.
· If you wish to
use herbicides adjacent to lakeshore, check first with Ben Jenkins (benjamin.jenkins@ces.uwex.edu),
UW-Extension Agricultural Agent.
· Find a location
at least 10 ft. wide, running 35 ft. continuously along the shore.
· Determine your
soil/sun/shade types to select native plants that will thrive there (LOTS of
help online in this area!).
· Choose your
template and design shape (LOTS of help through the links in this article).
· Choose your plant
list and lay out the planting.
· Prepare the site
and do the planting.
· Water and
critter-proof the plants.
· Consider adding
cues that the area is intentionally planted and not neglected (wildlife feeders/houses;
trimmed shrubs; fences/mulch; artwork; signage; etc.).
![]() |
Sample of a native garden template |
Money is available through Healthy Lakes Grants!
2015-2017, Wisconsin invested $377,000 in 267 properties in 21 counties on 56
lakes, covering 407 best practices. Grant applications are available from State
of Wisconsin, PO Box 7921, Madison WI 53707-7921 or dnr.wi.gov.
For ideas, you can order
a “get started” brochure.
Healthy Lakes Grants annual deadline is Feb. 1, and funding is determined by
- There’s a 75%/25%
state-sponsor match (reimbursement grant).
- Eligible
sponsors, including qualified lake associations, lake districts, counties and
other local government units, may apply on behalf of multiple landowners.
- Individual
property owners are not eligible grant sponsors, but any of the eligible
partner groups could apply on their behalf.
- There’s a standard
two-year grant agreement.
best practice is capped at a $1,000 state share. There is self-reporting or a site
visit on 10% of projects annually. A 10-year contract, with standard operation and
maintenance details, is described in the grant agreement. A grant sponsor
develops and administers the contract that the landowner signs.
How are grants evaluated?
Judging priorities may
- How much the
project provides for water quality protection/improvement;
- How much the
project helps fish/wildlife habitat, native vegetation, natural beauty;
- Availability of
public access to and public use of the lake;
- Degree to which
the project complements other efforts, and level of support from other
- Likelihood of
project success in two-year timeline;
- Degree of detail in
the application.
Is your property appropriate for “Best Practices?”
Lakes Best Practices are meant for simple properties, where you can work on one
or more of the Best Practices yourself and/or get grant assistance to help do
it. On a simple property, you don’t need engineering design and review. For guidance, contact Krista Kamke (kkamke@co.green-lake.wi.us)
at Green Lake County Land Use Planning & Zoning Department.
What are examples of properties not appropriate for a
“Best Practice?”
· The slope is
greater than 20%.
· More than 20,000
square feet are cleared.
· More than two
acres drain to an eroded area.
· Severe gully
erosion (at least one foot deep) is present.
· You’re not
comfortable implementing solutions on your own.
Even if you’re not ready for a “Big” project . . .
adapting some of the Best Practices in your own small way. Once you start
browsing the Healthy Lakes websites, you’ll be hooked (no fishy pun intended)!
Gail Grenier is the author of Young Voices from Wild Milwaukee, Dog Woman, Don't Worry Baby, Dessert First, and Calling All Horses, all available on Amazon.com.
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